Six Types of Email Campaigns for Your Plumbing Services

types of email campaigns


Businesses across various industries recognize the benefits of running an email campaign. The approach can vastly improve your client relationships and reach more people. So, if you have a plumbing company, mastering popular and effective types of email campaigns can only help your marketing efforts.

Below are six highly recommended email campaigns for plumbing companies just like yours. Review these effective email marketing for plumbing businesses, and then contact Mammoth Marketing to discuss your company’s goals.

#1 Welcoming New Subscribers

Do you offer a newsletter for your plumbing business? Sending out welcome emails to new subscribers is an excellent way to show that you value them. Why not send out a series of emails after someone subscribes that helps you both form a connection? 

It’s better to space out each of the emails in the campaign. However, send out the first one fast, as waiting too long could make people lose interest in your plumbing service or forget about it.

#2 Seasonal Plumbing Promotions

Some of the most effective email marketing strategy tips will easily boost your marketing efforts. For instance, one of the best types of email marketing campaigns a plumbing company can utilize is a seasonal promotion. 

During various holidays, you can encourage your subscribers or those who have shown interest in your business to work with you. Offer a special discount that helps them save money. For example, many homeowners need a water heater working in the fall or winter, so providing summer savings or holiday specials is a great way to reach a larger audience. 

Why not recommend plumbing inspections or spring cleaning promotions for clean and clog-free pipes too?

#3 Triggered-to-Act Emails

Triggered emails, a form of automated email marketing, are an excellent way to reach people who have taken some action but not followed through entirely. For example, you could email people who browsed your site, inquired about a service then ghosted, responded to a survey, or received a past service. 

Keep your subject lines informative, interesting, and not too long. You should also use a customer’s name and maybe an emoji. Add these tips too:

  • Check your subject line score and make adjustments (there are free tools to use online).
  • Aim for seven words or less so your subject line is readable at a glance.
  • Don’t make your subject line too broad or generic.
  • Make the most out of your preview text.

Also, remember to double-check your plumbing company’s emails before sending them out. Things like spelling errors or grammatical issues can have a larger impact than you may realize.

#4 Post-Service Follow-Ups

Post-service follow-ups are other valuable types of email marketing that give plumbing businesses a chance to capitalize on a positive experience with their clients after the fact. If the customer was happy with the service and you don’t follow-up, you’ll miss a valuable window of opportunity! It’s the perfect opportunity to connect with them, ensure their satisfaction, offer advice about maintaining their plumbing system, or even request a review while you’re in their good books.

Did they have a drain clog that you handled for them? Send helpful emails with tips about how to keep their drains clean and smelling fresh. The same holds true for water heater, faucet, sink, and bath services so that each customer begins to see your business as both credible and caring. 

#5 A Plumbing Newsletter

If your competitors aren’t putting out email newsletters for their plumbing company, you could stand out in a good way by starting one. Plumbing newsletters can contain plenty of valuable and interesting information, such as:

  • Stories about your company’s involvement in the local community
  • Advertising a particular plumbing product or service
  • Blog posts about relevant plumbing topics (maintenance, helpful tips)
  • Promotional offers for holidays or seasons

#6 Re-Engagement Emails

You can reach inactive plumbing customers who receive emails from your business through a re-engagement campaign. It encourages them to interact with your plumbing service (or to go ahead and unsubscribe). Why not include a service discount or compelling blog to reel them in?

Discover How Email Campaigns Boost Your Plumbing Business with Mammoth Marketing

These six popular types of email campaigns could help your plumbing business. Why not connect with Mammoth Marketing for help with content writing for email marketing or contact us today for a consultation?



Tyler has been marketing small businesses for over 20 years. When don't quit, you get good. He's from Alaska, where the cold and a darkness molded him into an indoor kid with lots of communication prowess. That's how an advertiser was born. You can find more on him at

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