How To Write Plumbing Content for Email Marketing

content for email marketing

Email advertisements and newsletters are effective ways to gain attention for your plumbing company. Unfortunately, many email promotions go unnoticed by consumers, rendering email marketing campaigns useless. The key to a successful campaign is creating the perfect content for email marketing. 

At Mammoth Marketing, our specialists offer fantastic email marketing for plumbers to engage with new and existing customers. Here are several tactics to help plumbing companies attract more leads through email newsletters and other quality digital content. 

1. Create the Perfect Email Subject Line

You’re not likely to open your emails unless you see an eye-catching subject line that makes you want to know more about the content. Your plumbing business’s audience thinks the same way. Therefore, all effective marketing for email content should have a well-crafted subject line. 

The best way to create excellent email subject lines is to immediately grab the reader’s attention. Think of the subject line as a headline. It should be short, unique, and different from anything they might see in their inbox. That said, don’t exaggerate (see point #3 below).

2. Write Email Content in the Second Person

When crafting email copy, you should discuss your plumbing services, locations, and other offerings. Still, you want the focus to be on the reader. Writing in the second person can help you accomplish that. 

The second-person perspective includes pronouns like “you” and “your.” These terms help readers feel more connected to the content they consume, even if they’re just learning about your plumbing business and how they can benefit from them. 

3. Be Personal and Human

When writing emails, you could easily fall into the trap of sounding generic or robotic. Some plumbers make the mistake of creating basic email content that conveys relevant information without engaging the reader. You could avoid this problem by personalizing your emails and making them sound human. 

The best content for email marketing incorporates the company’s brand and personality without speaking in complex business lingo. Not everyone understands your jargon, even if it’s common knowledge to you and your crew. Keep the language simple and the tone light. 

It also helps to sprinkle personal touches throughout the copy. For example, you can incorporate the customer’s name in the body or subject line of the email so they know the information directly relates to them. 

4. Focus on the Benefits of Your Plumbing Services

The last thing you should do when writing marketing emails for your plumbing company is dump information into the message without explaining how it benefits the reader. For example, if you’re describing a drain cleaning service, you can better engage with the reader by mentioning the service’s benefits and when they should call you for drain cleaning. 

Effective email marketing shows potential customers how a company can help them with their services and products. Show the readers the value of your plumbing services and why they need them.

5. Ensure Email Copy Is Catchy Yet Clear

People tend to have a short attention span for reading marketing emails. Even if you have an excellent subject line and relevant, personalized information in the copy, readers could quickly lose interest if the email is too long. Instead of detailing every service or promotion you offer, keep your content short, catchy, and straight to the point. 

6. Give Emails an Attractive Visual Appeal

Marketing emails with long, dense paragraphs will also turn readers away from viewing future content from your plumbing company. Your content must be attractive because it will be easier to read and digest. 

Consider breaking up long-winded paragraphs with multiple headings and subheadings. Bullet lists are effective for breaking up content with skimmable information. Adding images and graphics to communicate with your readers visually is also a good idea. 

Engage Your Email Subscribers With Mammoth Marketing

If you’re ready to build an email marketing list and create high-quality content to entice new and repeat customers to your plumbing business, reach out to Mammoth Marketing. Our digital marketing professionals have years of experience helping plumbing companies elevate their businesses through personalized marketing services for social media, graphics, branding, web design, and SEO. 

Call (206) 672-3021 today for a free consultation with Mammoth Marketing.



Tyler has been marketing small businesses for over 20 years. When don't quit, you get good. He's from Alaska, where the cold and a darkness molded him into an indoor kid with lots of communication prowess. That's how an advertiser was born. You can find more on him at

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