The Power of Mass Communication in Plumbing Advertising | Tyler Williams

The Power of Mass Communication in Plumbing Advertising

Hey there, fellow plumbers! Let’s dive into the world of advertising and mass communication to help build our businesses. We all know about lead generation—when people need a plumber, they call, and then they hire us. It’s great, right? We get the customer, and if we do a good job, they stick with us for years.

How to Transform Your Plumbing Business with Mass Communication

But there’s another side to advertising. Traditional platforms like PPC, Yelp, Thumbtack, Home Advisor, Angie, and Google local service ads are all about one-to-one advertising. Every time you pay for a lead, one person learns about you. While this is effective, it’s also expensive and highly competitive. Plus, you’re missing out on reaching the broader market.

That’s where mass communication platforms come into play—YouTube, Google Display, Facebook, Instagram, print, radio, and TV. These platforms allow you to advertise one-to-thousands, which many people underestimate. For example, on Facebook, it costs around $8 to reach a thousand views with a photo post. Video posts are more expensive, but the concept remains the same: use these platforms to build credibility and influence.

From Lead Generation to Brand Awareness: A Plumber’s Guide

When you advertise on a large scale, you’re not just promoting your services; you’re convincing people that you’re the best choice. Collect reviews, gather customer testimonials, and have fun with your presence. Then, blast this content out into the world. However, if you have a small budget, don’t try to cover your entire service area. Instead, reverse engineer what your budget can do. Target specific geographic zones and demographics to maximize your reach and frequency within a smaller area.

Why Mass Communication is Key to Long-Term Success for Plumbers

The goal of advertising is to be the chosen plumber before potential customers even have a problem. By showing up frequently in their feeds, you become the plumber they think of first. This prevents them from searching online and finding someone else.

Ultimately, building a company is about changing human behavior, and repetition is key. Make sure the revenue from lead generation goes back into your marketing system to boost brand awareness and influence. Remember, consistency is crucial. As you continue to see me emphasize in my videos, the more you repeat your message, the more effective it becomes.

I hope you found this lesson helpful. If you want to learn more, visit my website at I also offer consulting services if you need personalized advice. Have a great week, and keep pushing your business forward!



Tyler has been marketing small businesses for over 20 years. When don't quit, you get good. He's from Alaska, where the cold and a darkness molded him into an indoor kid with lots of communication prowess. That's how an advertiser was born. You can find more on him at

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