Why a PPC Landing Page Is Important to Plumbing Contractors

Landing pages and PPC services for plumbers are an integral part of a well-functioning marketing strategy. Without sufficient landing pages and a comprehensive digital presence, your plumbing contracting company cannot reach customers effectively, causing you to lose out on potential clients. 

Continue reading to learn more about PPC landing pages and the benefits this type of digital marketing offers to plumbing contractors so you can improve your business growth and outreach.

ppc landing page


What Is a PPC Landing Page?

A PPC landing page, or pay-per-click landing page, is a page that promotes completing a specific function and is one of the key elements that lead to a successful marketing campaign.

A landing page is not the same as your homepage. The goal of using a PPC landing page is to help potential customers receive information, find your business, locate you through a search engine, or complete a service. To put it simply, a potential customer will click on your page from an ad after viewing it. After they click on the ad, the user is taken to a page with the relevant information.

From here, the potential plumbing customer can read about your services or complete whatever action you want your potential customers to complete. Whether that be receiving specific services or reaching out for estimates, you choose the purpose and goals of your landing page.

How Does a Landing Page Help Your Business Grow?

The main goal of a landing page is to help your business grow by bringing in visitors and turning them into customers. A landing page is a great way to provide customers with new offer information, current deals, service sign-up, or estimates in return for customers providing something on their end, like contact information. Typically this may be done with an email or a phone number to receive text subscriptions and other various reminders that lead your visitors to complete an action.

In addition to this, having a landing page and other comprehensive service pages allows your digital presence to remain stronger. This way, when potential customers search for specific services your company may offer, they can find your business as a top search result as opposed to other companies. 

Increase Conversions

Having a landing page can create an opportunity for a strong call to action.  A call to action means that you call on the customer to complete an action like booking an estimate or call for service.  Having landing pages with multiple calls to action can help increase your conversions, creating customers from visitors. 

Broaden Audience

If done correctly, you can create custom landing pages that are directed toward a wide variety of consumers. For example, if you know the demographic you are trying to bring in, you can alter the landing page content style to push your marketing toward the specific demographic.

Trends in PPC Campaigns

A current trend for landing pages includes having a clear and distinct call to action. Another common PPC trend for landing pages is something called a click-through landing page. The goal of this is to provide information or a link so customers complete the action with one click. This requires your landing page to have a brief description, a call to action, and a simple link that completes the action in one fell swoop. For example, if you want customers to add a part to their carts, this can be linked to take the customer to the correct destination.

Trust Pro Digital Marketing Strategists

Creating a PPC landing page is a smart way to help your plumbing business flourish. However, choose professional-level digital marketing strategists to help your landing page have a quality score and drive the most traction. 

At Mammoth Marketing, we specialize in helping plumbers grow their businesses using the latest landing page techniques and digital marketing trends. This way, you get a specifically tailored and up-to-date PPC campaign and landing pages that help your plumbing company to reach the next level. 

Learn more about PPC trends and get help with your campaign. Give Mammoth Marketing a call today at (206) 672-3021 to get the perfect PPC landing page to drive your plumbing business toward success!

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