How To Improve Click-Through Rate in Google Ads

how to improve click-through rate

Google Ads campaigns are a fantastic way for plumbers to reach their target audience. But if you want more sales leads online, your campaigns can only be successful with a good click-through rate. This is the number of clicks your plumbing website receives when someone sees your ad on a search engine results page and clicks on it to load your webpage.

Clicks from PPC services for plumbers send people to landing pages with details about your company and calls to action. And you can easily learn how to improve click-through rate to boost your marketing campaigns with Google Ads in our article below.

Incorporate the Appropriate Keywords

The first step in improving your plumbing website’s click-through rates in Google Ads is a keen understanding of keywords. Without the right words and phrases, your ads won’t show up on related SERPs, which limits your reach. 

So, what are the best types of keywords to use for a click-through rate improvement?

  • Local Keywords: Consider adding words that audiences within your plumbing  service areas are likely to use.
  • Commercial Intent Keyword: Think about the phrases people type into a search engine box. What specific words would they use when they intend to make a purchase? 
  • Branded Keyword: Typically, branded terms will target other companies within the plumbing industry, like competitors and partners. Audiences may search for these brands and land on your related services through those keywords.

Optimize Ads for Mobile Devices

What’s the secret to creating amazing plumbing marketing campaigns? Whether it’s to send emails or connect with a target audience on Google Ads, you should always optimize content for both mobile and desktop devices. Countless landing pages look immaculate on a big screen but jumbled, incomplete, or impossible to navigate on a smartphone or tablet.

You’ll also have a much better chance of improving your plumbing business’s Google Ads click-through rate with ad quality across all channels. A responsive design ensures potential clients can easily view essential information, engage, and purchase your services.

Don’t Ignore Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are terms you don’t want the search engine to associate with your ad. For example, plumbers might want to exclude “leak” or “repair” if repairing leaky faucets isn’t the type of work that yields a high enough ROI compared to total home repiping. Leveraging negative keywords ensures your Google Ads marketing budget goes toward a particular service you want to provide.

Get Straight to the Point With Ad Copy

The next step in learning how to improve click-through rates in Google Ads is honing a direct approach. It’s common to want to provide as much information as possible. But saying too much in a plumbing campaign’s ad copy can have an unintended effect: disinterest.

For example, your ad about a plumbing service deal might entice people to click on it. However, with too many details on the landing page, they will lose interest in trying to find the link or specific deal. If they can’t skim content for pertinent details, they might see it as a time-wasting exercise and click off.

Get straight to the point, organize the content into a skimmable format, and focus on user friendliness!

Don’t Forget About CTAs

A call to action is the final thing you want people to see because it might just turn them into paying customers. It tells people how to connect with your plumbing business, including phrases like “call today” or “use our convenient online form.” It reinforces whatever service, benefit, or deal your ads highlight.

Stay Consistent

In plumbing and every other niche, consistency is crucial for creating a recognizable brand. Build credibility with the following:

  • A well-organized website
  • Excellent ad copy
  • Responsive design
  • Brand-specific tone, colors, and logos

Your Google Ads landing pages may have different content, but always stay consistent with your brand. 

Perfect Your Plumbing Company’s Marketing Strategy With Mammoth Marketing Today!

Thanks to years of digital marketing experience and our passion for helping plumbing businesses thrive online, Mammoth Marketing knows how to improve quality scores on Google Ads and more. Our marketing team tailors our services for the plumbing industry, leveraging PPC services, social media, website building, and SEO. 

So, contact Mammoth Marketing at (206) 590-4689 today to schedule a free consultation on how to improve click-through rate or anything else you’d like to know!



Tyler has been marketing small businesses for over 20 years. When don't quit, you get good. He's from Alaska, where the cold and a darkness molded him into an indoor kid with lots of communication prowess. That's how an advertiser was born. You can find more on him at

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