How To Repurpose Content for Your Plumbing Website

how to repurpose content

Do you want to take your plumbing business to the next level? If you know that digital marketing is the key to success, you’re probably wondering how to repurpose content on your website.

Mammoth Marketing provides high-quality marketing for plumbers. Keep reading to discover how we can help you repurpose your content so you can stand out from your competitors.


Keep the Purpose in Mind

Before you repurpose your content, focus on why you create digital content. The importance of digital marketing relies on its ability to draw in viewers and convert them to paying customers. 

A crucial part of gaining views is distinguishing yourself from other plumbing websites. So remember your goal is unique and useful content that creates trust and establishes you as an expert.


Remember the Benefits

Throughout the repurposing process, you’ll often feel overwhelmed. When you feel like giving up, remember the benefits of high-quality website content, such as:

  • Repurposing content saves you time and money over creating completely new content. 
  • When you use your content in new ways, you can greatly expand your reach and obtain new customers.
  • You’ve probably already seen a return on your investment from your best content. Repurposing already well-performing content can further increase your ROI.


Modify the Content Type

The first step in repurposing your content is changing the type of content you’re presenting. Consider the following ways to change your content type:

  • Expand a short-form blog post into a longer article, or break long-form content into several shorter posts.
  • Create a YouTube video based on your highest-performing content.
  • If you have a post discussing your products or services, create a picture gallery.
  • Include new quizzes, polls, infographics, and videos in your content.


Refresh an Old Post

One of the most common pieces of advice on blogging guides is to refresh a well-performing post. This doesn’t mean you have to redo the structure or significantly change the content. Rather, updating it with current information, more accurate facts and statistics, and a better-targeted demographic can improve how easily customers engage with your content.


Rewrite an Old Post

If you’re wondering how to repurpose content, consider rewriting your older content that isn’t performing as well. Rewriting your blog posts is like remodeling a bathroom: you have to take it down to the bare bones and replace the most basic elements. Keep the same topic points and some of the same outline, but to improve how the post performs, replace the vast majority of the words.


Update Seasonal Content

While you should predominantly focus on content that’s applicable all year round, some seasonal content can increase your viewership. If you have seasonal content that performed well, you don’t need to rewrite it. Just update the pieces that no longer apply to the current year.


Utilize Analytics

Analytics, like those you can get via Google or your website’s dashboard, help determine your most popular posts, your primary demographic, and which content needs improvement. Data is an essential part of repurposing, so you don’t focus your time and energy on content that doesn’t need help or won’t return your investment.


Improve Mediocre Content

While you should periodically tweak your well-performing content, the primary purpose of repurposing is to improve the posts that aren’t performing as well. With more consistent engagement, you can remain confident that the majority of your site is converting viewers into customers.


Don’t Forget SEO

Search engine optimization helps more people find your posts by appearing near the top of search engines. Improving the keywords you use and the relevancy of your information goes a long way to ranking high. You can also utilize guest posts to increase the number of other websites that refer to yours.


Harness Social Media

Social media posts are one of the most essential and important ways to market your business. Plumbers find the most success on Facebook, Instagram, Nextdoor, and LinkedIn.


Let Mammoth Marketing Help You Repurpose Your Plumbing Website Content

If your website isn’t performing up to your expectations, you now know how to repurpose content. If creating a content pillar and repurposing feels overwhelming, Mammoth Marketing can help. We help plumbing companies thrive with our website and content design services—contact us today!



Tyler has been marketing small businesses for over 20 years. When don't quit, you get good. He's from Alaska, where the cold and a darkness molded him into an indoor kid with lots of communication prowess. That's how an advertiser was born. You can find more on him at


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