How Often Should You Redesign Your Plumbing Website?

Just as the digital world keeps evolving, so should your online presence. Unfortunately, that means redesigning your website home, services, and “about us” pages, to name a few, by making them more relevant to the times and technology. But how often should you redesign your website, and why? 

Our Mammoth Marketing company offers the best and most experienced website design contractors for plumbers who keep up with ever-evolving trends and Google analytics. They also specialize in thoroughly learning about your company’s needs and desires to produce exactly what you need. So trust us to relay when and how to update your online image. 

How Often Should You Consider a Redesign?

Because designers and developers never take a break from their futuristic thinking, they’re constantly enhancing what’s currently available. That means what you have on your site today won’t be top-tier or even relevant tomorrow. Therefore, alter your plumbing website every two to three years with minor tweaks or a complete redesign. 

Outdated Styles

Whether starting a company, enhancing your current setup, or adding multiple locations, you’ll spend most of your funds on top-of-the-line equipment and constant employee training. However, if funds were tight during your first design, you probably hired a second-rate designer for the lowest price.

While this may have seemed better than nothing at the time, a backward-thinking designer won’t have the professionalism or experience your website demands. These part-time creators also won’t put in the energy researching top trends and Google analytic requirements that’ll ensure you are on the first of the search engine results pages.

Don’t let last year’s model look like last year’s model. Hire a forward-thinking professional who’ll work to revolutionize your site with what’ll be popular in the coming years instead of in the present. To answer “How often should you redesign your website?” remember that paying a little extra keeps you from another pricey redesign for up to five years. 

SEO Advancements 

No matter how aesthetically pleasing your online presence is with color schemes, font styles, photo carousels, and other current design trends, potential clients won’t see it if your plumbing company’s website doesn’t comply with Google Analytics. 

This platform collects data from Google websites, ranking them by relevancy during searches. That means for “plumbing companies near me” searches on the west coast, a New Jersey company won’t surface. However, other factors keep your website from popping up when it should, which can limit traffic, so consider search engine optimization when questioning, “How often should you redesign your website?” 

For instance, using the appropriate positive keywords matching popular searches draws in potential clients. Understanding negative keywords you don’t want associated with your team also keeps individuals from clicking on and quickly exiting, contributing to high bounce rates. You should also review the following for yearly enhancements:

  • User-friendliness: Your bounce rate increases if your site doesn’t reformat to fit mobile devices, where over 80% of online searches occur.
  • Visuals: Websites rank high on SERPs if photos and videos are evident, especially if they’re personalized and not stock images. 
  • Contact information: If you have high traffic, but visitors aren’t taking the next step, try placing your phone number, contact forms, and other call-to-action buttons in clear sight.

Company Changes 

Whether you’re merging companies or looking for a fresh appearance, you may want to make company changes that include new branding. From improving the company name and logo to redefining your traditional colors, a redesign helps you achieve this, especially if you’re unhappy with your current look.  

You’ll also want a more modern design when changing your company goals. For instance, if your plumbing company now offers what it didn’t before, like trenchless piping replacements or water heater maintenance, you’ll want to advertise it on your site. You’ll also have a wider target audience if you now service a larger area, so you’ll have to find new ways to appeal to your demographic. 

how often should you redesign your website

For Mammoth-Sized Assistance!

With Google Analytics changing yearly and designs going out of style almost as soon as their creation, you need a forward-thinking team that anticipates and implements future trends. At Mammoth Marketing, we provide digital marketing for plumbers like you, so call (206) 672-3021. We’ll answer “How often should you redesign your website?” and begin with a free consultation today!



Tyler has been marketing small businesses for over 20 years. When don't quit, you get good. He's from Alaska, where the cold and a darkness molded him into an indoor kid with lots of communication prowess. That's how an advertiser was born. You can find more on him at


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