How Often Should My Plumbing Business Post on Social Media?

how often should my business post on social media

Social media is a powerful tool that few plumbers take full advantage of. It’s not surprising; keeping track of one platform is tricky, but keeping tabs on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and all the rest? That can quickly get overwhelming.

Posting on social media offers many advantages — your customers are already on these platforms, so you just need to reach them with the right posts at the right time. If you’re asking, “How often should my business post on social media?” keep reading to find out.

When it comes to social media marketing for plumbers, one of the best ways to grab and maintain interest is by regularly posting, but the right frequency depends on which platform you use.


TikTok is a haven of short-form videos. This means it’s low stakes and perfect for testing the waters with new content. In 2022, more people downloaded TikTok than any other app, making it an incredible resource for reaching people and keeping them interested in your brand.

Since TikTok’s feed constantly updates, we recommend posting one to four posts per day. If you’re new to the social media landscape, you can start with three to five posts per week. What’s most important with TikTok is sticking to a consistent schedule to grow your audience.


Instagram features mixed-media posts, like carousels, reels, and static images. With over two billion people using the app monthly, the potential to grow your plumbing business through Instagram is massive.

When deciding how often to post on Instagram, we suggest one to two times per day. Like TikTok, Instagram’s algorithm favors frequently posted content that makes users spend a few seconds looking at a post. Plumbers can achieve this goal through content such as:

  • Handy infographics
  • Ongoing promotions
  • Employee highlights
  • Behind-the-scenes reels


News runs through Twitter like water in a clean pipe. Typing up a sentence or two and hitting “Tweet” is easy and convenient, which explains why the average tweet’s lifespan is just 18 minutes. After that, your followers probably won’t see your post.

Plumbers can keep up with this fast feed by posting at least three tweets per day. Another good rule of thumb is to have an even spread of posts between promoting your business, sharing personal stories, and providing expert insights.

We also suggest commenting on Tweets from other accounts and responding to comments on your posts. You can also take advantage of retweets and quote retweets to keep your feed current. This makes Twitter a more flexible platform for answering the question, “How often should my business post on social media?”


Facebook has come a long way from its days as a MySpace competitor. Nearly three billion people use the platform every month, making it invaluable for business outreach. About 60% of customers use Facebook when seeking customer service, so it’s a worthwhile platform for plumbers.

Facebook is a community-driven platform, with written posts and comments generating discussions. You’ll want to post once or twice daily on your Facebook page to regularly stay in your followers’ news feeds.


LinkedIn’s emphasis on professional networking separates it from other social media platforms. Rather than being a rapid-fire content machine like TikTok or Twitter, LinkedIn is about discussions. 

Making a single, higher-quality post each day that people can talk about is key when making your plumbing business stand out.

Your plumbing business can keep people invested by:

  • Asking questions
  • Encouraging discussions
  • Responding to comments


When it comes to post frequency, Pinterest is the most laid-back platform. Like LinkedIn, quality over quantity is the name of the game. Although you can post more, a single weekly Pin or two should suffice. Posts often gain traction weeks or months after the initial post date.

Pinterest still prioritizes new content, so regularly Pinning is key to staying relevant in the algorithm.

Grow Your Plumbing Brand to Mammoth Proportions!

The answer to the question “How often should my business post on social media?” isn’t so straightforward. That’s where a team that specializes in plumber marketing can help. At Mammoth Marketing, we understand the importance of social media marketing for plumbers and offer services to help your business grow, such as the best times to post content.

Contact us today at (206) 607-2560 for your free consultation, and start building your social media presence.

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