What is a Good Email Marketing ROI for Plumbing Contractors?

With all the marketing strategies today, email marketing still has the highest ROI. Improve your email marketing ROI by learning what makes potential customers open and read each email.

Mammoth Marketing offers email marketing for plumbers to improve email ROI and increase website traffic. 

email marketing roi

Email Marketing Budget

The email ROI for goods and services is 45 to 1. That means that for every dollar you spend on email marketing, you will make 45. Investing time and money in a top-quality marketing funnel is worth it. If you don’t see the ROI you want, there are ways to improve your email marketing.

Grow Your Audience

The first step in improving your email marketing ROI is growing your email list. After all, customers can’t see your emails unless they sign up for the email list. The best way to get a customer’s email address is just to ask. 

Some businesses ask for an email address at the point of sale. That method works, but in that case, your email list would only consist of previous customers. Many businesses increase their number of email signups by offering a freebie on their website. 

Offering a freebie is a win-win situation because you get an email signup, and they get something for free. Freebies provide something helpful to the customer, like a checklist to determine the cause of low water pressure or a guide on how to treat hard water. 

When a customer signs up for your email list, they want you to contact them. They want you to inform them of current specials, and they want to take part in your loyalty program. If you overload them with vague, nonspecific emails, they will unsubscribe.

Customized Emails

Customers love customized emails. Sending a coupon on their birthday or notifying them of a sale before a major holiday makes the customer feel special. Email open rates are higher for customized emails. 

Hook Them with the Subject Line

A great subject line makes a customer want to open the email. The subject line should excite the reader and entice them to read further. Customers quickly delete any email with an email subject line that seems impersonal or spam-like. If your email subjects consistently bore the reader, they may unsubscribe.

Utilize Visual Media

Audiences love a variety of visual media in emails. When emails incorporate GIFs in their email content, the ROI jumps 105%. Video content like a how-to or a customer testimonial can increase ROI by 107%. That is an incredible increase for something so easy to incorporate. 

Add Dynamic Content

Dynamic content increases ROI by increasing awareness and instilling urgency in the customer.

When was the last time you bought something because a countdown timer said a sale would end in six hours? A countdown timer is a great way to increase urgency. Customers always want the best price, especially if they think it’s a limited-time offer.

Showing readers the location of your business increases the likelihood of them reaching out for service. Readers can see at a glance that there is a trusted professional with multiple 5-star ratings in their area. 

Working with a Marketing Company

A solid email marketing strategy takes a lot of time to develop. When you don’t have a dedicated marketing team, it’s hard to keep up with that aspect of your business. If you’re serious about growing your email ROI, consider working with a marketing company.

Professional marketers will grow your ROI by running A/B testing. This process determines what types of email content your audience responds to best. When A/B testing is complete, the marketing team can work to streamline the customer experience and increase website traffic.

Email Marketing for Plumbers

Email marketing sets you apart from competitors by bringing your brand voice right into the customer’s inbox. When they feel like they have an established relationship with you, they are more likely to reach out for service.

When you increase email marketing ROI, you are investing in the future of your business. 

Team up with Mammoth Marketing, and we will work hard to improve email marketing for your plumbing company. Call us at (206) 672-3021 for a free marketing consultation. 

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