How to Build an Email Marketing List for Your Plumbing Company

Are you wondering how to take your marketing for your plumbing business to the next level? A great way to grow your company is to build an email marketing list. 

Continue reading to explore how to build an email marketing list and the clear benefits of email marketing for plumbing; with this useful tool, you can improve your marketing strategy and boost your plumbing company’s growth. 

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a type of digital marketing where your business uses email to help drive product purchases, promote deals, or help customers become aware of current services.

This type of digital marketing strategy provides well-written emails to a designated list of customers so they consistently get updates on any current services, appointment reminders, and marketing campaigns. 

How Does Email Marketing Benefit Your Business?

Email marketing can have many different positive effects on your plumbing business. With an effective email list, you can collect valuable contact information and reach customers with your newest marketing campaigns within seconds.

Email marketing opens up the opportunity to receive data that can help you better market to your specific audience. In addition to this benefit, this strategy has a large return on investment compared to the various digital marketing advertising tools. 

Since email marketing is easy to track, you can see whether customers click on or sign up for your ads. It’s remarkably beneficial for plumbing companies, who can use this information and then alter the website or specific email wording in order to get customers to click on the pertinent information. 

Important Steps to Build Your Email List

You fully understand the ways email marketing can benefit your plumbing company. It’s time to do the work and learn how to build an email marketing list.  There are a few criteria that you should follow to get people to sign up for your email list. Continue reading to explore some of these common tactics that will help your email marketing trends soar above the rest.

Include a Call to Action

A call to action, or CTA, is one of the most important components of an effective email marketing strategy. A solid call to action helps your customers submit their email addresses without thought. 

When you receive their email address, you are able to reach them directly for any purpose. If you do not have a clear CTA, the customer does not understand how to appropriately engage with you or the message you were sending across. On the other hand, if you have a clear and concise call to action, they will remain interested and provide their email address for the specific purpose of receiving more details from your company. 

Incorporate a Lead Magnet

Another tip for a solid email marketing strategy is to include a lead magnet. A lead magnet is something that is free for customers if they provide their contact information. For example, they might receive a free inspection estimate or service to incentivize them to sign up for emails from your company.

Get Sign Ups for Your Email List

After incorporating these two tips, you’re on your way to gaining customers via email marketing. Once customers provide their emails, you can continue sending out any current campaigns, new services, appointment reminders, and deals.

how to build an email marketing list

Rely on Email Marketing Experts

To have a successful business, start digital marketing to help your plumbing business flourish. While you can utilize a range of different strategies, solid email marketing can be an incredible boon for your business, so long as it’s properly set up. For the best service and to learn how to build an email marketing list, choose a professional marketing company to help your plumbing company gain new customers and business.

At Mammoth Marketing, our team specializes in assisting plumbing companies in expanding and developing their companies using the latest email and digital marketing trends. In turn, your company receives a custom email marketing strategy with your specific demographics and target audience in mind.

Take control of your plumbing company’s digital marketing strategy. Call Mammoth Marketing today at (206) 672-3021 to get the ideal email marketing strategy to propel your plumbing business to the next level.



Tyler has been marketing small businesses for over 20 years. When don't quit, you get good. He's from Alaska, where the cold and a darkness molded him into an indoor kid with lots of communication prowess. That's how an advertiser was born. You can find more on him at

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