A Plumber’s Ultimate Guide to A/B Testing in Email Marketing

ab testing email marketing

Many plumbing businesses look for new ways to reach more clients and book more services. Email marketing can be an excellent tool — provided you use the right strategies. Discover what’s working and what isn’t with A/B testing. In this guide, we’ll go over what you need to know about A or B testing in email marketing, including benefits, helpful tips, and more for your plumbing company.

After expanding your understanding of A/B testing for your email marketing campaign, contact Mammoth Marketing for trustworthy and reliable email marketing services for plumbing businesses. We’re ready to assist your company with growth!


What Is A/B Testing for Email Marketing?

If you understand the history of email, you’ll know that it has always been an effective form of communication. While not everyone reads their emails, your subscribers might open them more if something in your email campaigns catches their eye. Whether that’s the subject line, greeting, images, message preview, or more, email marketing is an excellent way for plumbing companies to connect with their growing clientele.

A and B testing involves sending two similar emails to two separate groups of subscribers (split 50/50 at random) to see what features of your emails are most effective. You can opt to schedule your emails for a future date and time or send them out in real-time. However, you must change one element for each campaign, leaving the first email as a control, to truly see if the change is favorable to your audience.


Benefits of A/B Testing for Your Plumbing Business

A/B testing allows you to run a more effective marketing campaign by learning about your audiences. For example, your plumbing company may fare better if you have more personal emails, such as addressing each subscriber by name or using an employee name, rather than just the company’s. Perhaps your plumbing business will attract audiences when you use a more positive headline that boosts their mood.

The main benefits of trying A and B testing for email marketing are:

  • Seeing which elements you should continue to use in your emails
  • Learning what elements don’t stick with your audience
  • Creating more targeted campaigns based on your findings
  • Reaching your email target audience in the most effective ways

This testing can help you gain high-quality leads and stronger business-audience connections. Remember to offer responsive customer service!


Use A/B Testing With Your Most Frequently-Sent Emails

When performing A or B testing in email marketing, you should focus on the emails you send the most often. Consider your newsletters, funnel follow-up, service promotions, and onboarding messages. You can use the results from your A/B testing to increase the number of customers who open your emails and take action.


Consider Which Elements to Test

While you may know how to test A/B elements, you still may wonder what exactly to change for testing. One small change can make a significant difference in how your audience perceives your business or if they will answer your call to action.

Some items in your email you can test include the following:

  • Whether your business’s email comes from your company or a person
  • Different subject lines
  • Different message previews
  • Email greetings
  • Images
  • Body copy
  • Your call-to-action
  • And more

When running a plumbing company, having a clear call to action is one of the most important features. As for email marketing, decide whether your CTA will include a link to a contact form for customers to complete, an email address, or your company’s phone number to call.


Work With a Trusted Plumbing Marketing Agency

A reputable marketing agency can help you run an email marketing campaign with A and B elements. If you’re unsure where to start, they can use their experience and expertise to offer valuable tips and insight. You can also get assistance with other plumbing company marketing techniques.


Improve Your Email Marketing Strategies for Your Plumbing Company With Mammoth Marketing!

We hope you now have a better understanding of how to use A or B testing in email marketing for your plumbing business. You can learn more about crafting an email marketing list and receive trusted email marketing services from our reliable plumbing marketing agency. Schedule a free consultation with Mammoth Marketing online or call our team today at (206) 590-4689



Tyler has been marketing small businesses for over 20 years. When don't quit, you get good. He's from Alaska, where the cold and a darkness molded him into an indoor kid with lots of communication prowess. That's how an advertiser was born. You can find more on him at https://tylerwilliams.net

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